Шановні клієнти та партнери! Вітаємо вас з Новим роком та світлим Різдвом! Dear clients and partners, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are sincerely…
Sustainable energy for Odesa: Alba Energy has implemented another project for a supermarket chain in Odesa.
Стала енергетика для Одеси: Альба Енерджи реалізувала ще один проект для мережі супермаркетів в Одесі. Alba Energy LLC is proud to end 2024 with an important event - the launch…
Energy revolution: companies switch to green energy
Energy revolution: companies switch to green energy to reduce carbon emissions Today, environmental awareness is becoming increasingly important, especially for businesses. Growing attention to climate change and a deeper understanding…
Important changes in the energy sector
Important changes in the energy sector: new tariffs for electricity transmission and distribution for 2024 Ukrainian enterprises are preparing for significant transformations in the energy sector as the National Energy…
Alba Energy has received a license to supply electricity
Alba Energy has received a license to supply electricity We have good news for Odesa businesses. ALBA ENERGY LLC has received a license to carry out business activities for the…